German activities (Re-)integrating refugees, internally displaced persons and returnees

Often, refugees and internally displaced persons have no choice but to stay in their host communities for many years. The situation they have left behind only improves very slowly, if it improves at all. And even when refugees are able to return home, they face enormous challenges: they need to rebuild their everyday lives and routines. Moreover, most returnees have to build new livelihoods.

A woman in a refugee camp in Lebanon can earn some money for her family as a seamstress.

A woman in a refugee camp in Lebanon can earn some money for her family as a seamstress.

A woman in a refugee camp in Lebanon can earn some money for her family as a seamstress.

Through its development cooperation, Germany seeks to give both refugees and internally displaced people in host countries as well as returnees in countries of origin a basis for building a future for themselves.

Better opportunities in host countries

A cash-for-work project in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

Beyond meeting the immediate basic needs of refugees (food, water, health), Germany assists them by creating income opportunities. Through cash-for-work activities, refugees are able to generate an income that is quickly available. These activities also cover local people in host communities.

In addition, the BMZ is engaged in efforts to provide social protection for displaced persons and in opening up labour markets in host countries.

Action Network on Forced Displacement – Women as Agents of Change

Logo: Action Network on Forced Displacement – Women as Agents of Change

In order to foster the political and economic empowerment of women in various situations of displacement, the BMZ launched the “Action Network on Forced Displacement – Women as Agents of Change” in October 2020. The global Network serves as a platform for exchange and makes recommendations to policymakers, the private sector, civil society and local players.

Better opportunities for returnees

Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh

Germany seeks to foster peace processes in the countries to which refugees are able to return. Among other things, Germany is investing in the reconstruction of schools and health centres.

At the beginning of 2017, the BMZ broadened the scope of its existing programmes for returnees. They are now combined under the umbrella of the Centres for migration and development.

In the partner countries taking part in the returnee programme, around 860,000 individual measures (such as advice sessions, training programmes, job placements and psychosocial support) have been carried out for the benefit of local people, internally displaced persons and returnees. Some 68,000 of these measures were specifically for returnees from Germany.

As at: 30/01/2023