Market scene in Burkina Faso: sale of tomatoes
Copyright© Ute Grabowsky/
Core area “Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems” Making agricultural production market-oriented and increasing incomes in rural areas
In order to improve the food supply situation and raise income and employment levels in rural areas, the BMZ is supporting the development of selected agricultural value chains. For instance, smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso are learning how to adapt their farming methods to climate change, increase productivity, and process and market their products themselves. Germany is also supporting measures to preserve soil quality.
All training and employment projects are designed to include women and young people as key target groups.
A Green Innovation Centre is assisting with efforts to improve market access, increase the number of agricultural products that are processed within Burkina Faso and meet international quality standards. This helps not only to raise farmers’ incomes, but also to create new jobs in small and micro processing businesses. The Centre has already helped to significantly increase productivity in rice and sesame cultivation and processing.
Matourkou Agricultural School: agricultural students and trainees learn how to handle an agricultural machine
As at: 15/02/2024