A historical scale weight with the inscription “2 kg” on it
Copyright© Michael Gottschalk/photothek.net
Examining the past, shaping the future Evaluating German development cooperation
Evaluation reports can provide answers to these and other questions. In line with international standards and transparency requirements, all the evaluation reports produced by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) and the BMZ are made publicly available. Summaries are published on the internet in English and in German. Reports are often also available in the language of the country concerned (for example French or Spanish). The translations and the full-length reports are available on request from DEval (info@deval.org (External link)) or from the evaluation unit of the BMZ (eval@bmz.bund.de (External link)).
Sometimes these evaluation reports look at topical political issues that are the subject of public or parliamentary debate, such as the use of budget support in development policy.
Others are aimed more at the specialist development policy community. Evaluation findings of special interest are presented at German and international conferences on development topics or in specialist journals. Regular reporting is also provided to the parliamentary Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development.
As at: 10/08/2022