Core area “Sustainable economic development, training and employment” Improving the quality of vocational training and strengthening enterprises
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As a “priority among priorities”, the Beninese government wants to reform the vocational training system. So far, less than ten per cent of secondary school graduates opt for vocational training. Related development cooperation efforts are aimed at fostering modern training standards that meet the demand of the formal sector and aligning these standards more closely with labour market needs.
At the request of the Beninese government, Germany is supporting the reform of the vocational training system. In this effort, the German Development Ministry is working closely with other donors, for instance the World Bank and the EU. Assistance is being provided to authorities as they work with the private sector to develop modernised vocational training programmes and increase the cooperation between education facilities and enterprises. For instance, cooperative training programmes are being piloted in the areas of agriculture and renewable energy.
In northern Benin, two agricultural vocational schools and the related training farms are being built with support from KfW Development Bank at the request of the Beninese government. This will improve employment opportunities for young people in the regions that are threatened by terrorism. KfW Development Bank is also using funding committed in 2023 to assist the Beninese government in setting up a support fund for vocational training.
In addition, Germany is engaged in development cooperation activities to foster the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in order to improve the employment and income situation of the people and provide opportunities for first-time job seekers to find employment. KfW Development Bank is financing programmes to provide loans for enterprises; GIZ is providing targeted training and assisting Benin with the development of governmental advisory programmes. A special focus is being put on the empowerment of women.
As at: 08/02/2024